Covid-19 Coronavirus Cancellations
As an exceptional measure and as long as it is impossible to travel to São Tomé and Principe due to the Coronavirus, all the reserves that cannot be used, will be respected in the course of 1 year at no cost. Simply contact us and we will issue you a voucher to modify them.
Legal Notice
By virtue of the observance of the law 34-2002 of July 11, of Services of the Information society and of electronic commerce, we inform that:
- Mariano Villalón Alonso
- C/ Villa Benavente 10
- 24004 - León, ESPAÑA
- NIF: 09768989 S
With fiscal domicile in: C/ Villa Benavente 10, León, Spain, is titular and responsible for this web page, without becoming responsible for the possible contents published in the same one by its users, as well as for the possible misprints that could exist, like possible offers, prices, etc.
Mariano Villalón Alonso informs the user that the processing of all personal data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13 on Data Protection and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, by which the Regulation of development of the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, of Protection of Personal Data is approved.
Terms and Conditions
The texts (informations, concepts, opinions and similar others) and graphic elements (design, logos, code source and similar others) that constitute the WEBSITE and spread across this one, as well as its presentation and assembly, there are an exclusive entitlement of Mariano Villalón Alonso or it shows the rights of development of these across agreements with third.
In this sense, they are constituted like works protected by the set of the Spanish and community regulation in the ambience of the intellectual property, in accordance with the Legislative Royal decree 1/1996, of April 12, by which there is approved the Reruined Text of the Law of Intellectual property and the Law 5/1998, of March 6, of Incorporation to the Spanish Right of the Board 96/9/CE on the Juridical Protection of the Databases, turning out to be to them also of application the international agreements signed in this field.
Mariano Villalón Alonso does not grant license of use or any authorization on its rights of industrial and intellectual property or on any another property or right related to its WEBSITE, safe express agreement with third.
The USERS will be able to carry out the reproduction of the contents of the WEBSITE with the only end of proceeding to its storage, to the achievement of safety copies or to its impression on role for private use.
To the margin of the previous thing, there remains prohibited any reproduction, distribution, transformation, presentation, entire or partial, of the content of the WEBSITE or of some of its elements, of direct or indirect form for telematic networks or similar supports, with a commercial end directed to the public or for a use beyond the mentioned ones, still quoting the source, whenever one is not provided with the express authorization and in writing of Mariano Villalón Alonso and in its case of third collaborators. The nonperformance of the previous thing will authorize to Mariano Villalón Alonso to interpose the pertinent legal actions.
They remain especially prohibited:
- The presentation of a page of the WEBSITE in a frame of another web page that does not belong to Mariano Villalón Alonso, by means of the technique called "framing" unless it has the written explicit consent of Mariano Villalón Alonso.
– The insertion of an image spread in the WEBSITE on a page or database not belonging to Mariano Villalón Alonso, by means of the so called skill “in line linking” if it does not count with the express authorization of Mariano Villalón Alonso.
– The extraction and use of elements of the WEBSITE causing or not an any damage to Mariano Villalón Alonso, in accordance with the dispositions of the Legislative Royal decree 1/1996, of April 12, by which there is approved the Reruined Text of the Law of Intellectual property and the Law 5/1998, of March 6, of Incorporation to the Spanish Right of the Board 96/9/CE on the Juridical Protection of the Databases.
Mariano Villalón Alonso will have to authorize definitely the establishment of links of hypertext (hyperties) in another website directed to the homepage of this WEBSITE or to any another internal page of this one, whenever the corresponding pages appear in a finished window and under the proper electronic directions of the same one.
The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorized data access. To achieve these purposes, the user / client accepts that the provider obtains data for the purpose of the corresponding authentication of the access controls
Cancellation and alteration of reservations policy.
1. If you have rented a car and want to stay with it longer, contact our office before your rental ends.
2. If you want to modify a booking, either the time of delivery or the return prices may change.
4. For the rest of the reservations. If you prepaid your car rental, the following conditions apply:
- If you cancel your reservation more than 15 days in advance we will refund 100% of the reservation amount.
- If you cancel your reservation more than 7 days in advance we will refund 50% of the reservation amount.
- If you cancel your reservation less than one week (7 days) before the car is delivered or the tour starts we will not refund the money.
Delivery policies
Privilege Tours will only deliver the rented vehicle after checking the minimum age of the driver and after verifying his driving license, passport and correct payment of the vehicle. For the security of good use of the vehicle itself, we require a deposit of € 50 prior to delivery.